Comunicat de presă

NBR's International Reserves - July 2009


On July 31st 2009, National Bank of Romania’s foreign exchange reserves stood at EUR 27,326 million, compared to EUR 26,466 million on June 30th 2009.

During the month, the following transactions have taken place:

  • EUR 4,243 million worth of inflows, representing changes in the foreign exchange reserve requirements of credit institutions, loans taken by the Ministry of Public Finances, income from the management of foreign exchange reserves, a.s.o.;
  • EUR 3,383 million outflows, representing changes in the level of the foreign exchange reserve requirements of credit institutions, interest and principal payments on public and publicly guaranteed external debt and payments from the European Commission’s account held at NBR.

The gold stock has held steady at 103.7 tonnes. However, following the change in the international price of gold, its value amounted to EUR 2,214 million.

The international reserves of Romania (foreign currencies and gold) on July 31st, 2009 stood at EUR 29,540 million, compared to EUR 28,690 million on June 30th, 2009.

During the month of August 2009, the payments due on public and publicly guaranteed external debt amount to EUR 85 million.