Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January - July 2006


January through July 2006, the balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of EUR 4,878 million, up 43 percent against the same year-ago period, largely due to a wider trade deficit.

- EUR million -
  1/01-31/07/2005* 1/01-31/07/2006**
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 17,546 20,958 -3,412 21,245 26,123 -4,878
A. Goods and services 14,733 18,503 -3,770 18,067 23,153 -5,086
a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 12,531 16,172 -3,641 14,885 20,235 -5,350
b. Services 2,202 2,331 -129 3,182 2,918 264
- transport 649 846 -197 891 1,028 -137
- tourism - travel 414 342 72 488 479 9
- other 1,139 1,143 -4 1,803 1,411 392
B. Incomes 643 2,191 -1,548 928 2,577 -1,649
C. Current transfers 2,170 264 1,906 2,250 393 1,857

* rectified data

** provisional data

Some 82.2 percent of the current account deficit were covered by inflows from foreign direct investment worth EUR 4 billion in the first seven months of 2006, compared with EUR 2.7 billion January through July 2005.

Medium- and long-term external debt1 at end-July 2006 amounted to EUR 25,714 million, up 4.6 percent against end-2005.

Public and publicly guaranteed external debt at end-July 2006 totalled EUR 10,963 million, accounting for 42.6 percent of medium- and long-term debt, compared with 45.9 percent at end-2005.

Non-publicly guaranteed external debt at end-July 2006 came in at EUR 13,915 million, rising 12.6 percent from end-2005.

Romania's medium- and long-term external debt at end-July 2006 and external debt service January through July 2006
- EUR million -
  Medium - and long-term external debt External debt service
Balance at 31/12/2005r Balance at 31/07/2006p 1/01-31/07/2006p
1. PUBLIC DEBTa) 6,935 6,857 473
of which:
4,348 4,106 378
- public sector 4,136 3,913 362
- private sectorb) 212 193 16
of which:
12,358 13,915 1,863
- public sector 559 567 43
- private sectorb) 11,799 13,348 1,820
4. External debt (1+2+3) (loans, borrowings and the like) 23,641 24,878 2,714
5. Medium- and long-term deposits of non-residents 949 836 198e
Total external debt (4+5) 24,590 25,714 2,912

r - rectified data

p - provisional data

e - estimates

a) loans taken or guaranteed by the Ministry of Public Finance in compliance with Public Debt Act

b) financial and non-financial entities with majority private capital

January through July 2006, medium- and long-term external debt service ratio2 ran at 16.1 percent, compared to 18.2 percent in 2005.

At end-July 2006, import cover3 stood at 6 months versus 6.4 months at year end-2005.


  1. External debt balance is subject to monthly revision.
  2. Medium- and long-term external debt service ratio is computed as a ratio of medium- and long-term external debt service to exports of goods and services.
  3. Import cover is computed as a ratio of official reserves of the NBR (foreign exchange + gold) at end of period to average monthly imports of goods and services for the period under review.