Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January - May 2006


January through May 2006, the balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of EUR 3,336 million, up 53.2 percent against the same year-ago period, largely due to a wider trade deficit.

- EUR million -
  1.01-31.05.2005r 1.01-31.05.2006p
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 12,055 14,233 -2,178 14,573 17,909 -3,336
A. Goods and services 10,063 12,581 -2,518 12,415 15,875 -3,460
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 8,663 10,983 -2,320 10,379 13,860 -3,481
  b. Services 1,400 1,598 -198 2,036 2,015 21
        - transport 420 566 -146 575 714 -139
        - tourism - travel 245 206 39 307 305 2
        - other 735 826 -91 1,154 996 158
B. Incomes 405 1,454 -1,049 603 1,735 -1,132
C. Current transfers 1,587 198 1,389 1,555 299 1,256

r - rectified data

p - provisional data

Some 85.7 percent of the current account deficit were covered by inflows from foreign direct investment worth EUR 2.9 billion in the first five months of 2006, compared with EUR 1.5 billion January through May 2005.

Medium- and long-term external debt1 at end-May 2006 amounted to EUR 24,787 million, up 0.9 percent against end-2005.

Public and publicly guaranteed external debt at end-May 2006 totalled EUR 10,957 million, accounting for 44.2 percent of medium- and long-term debt, compared with 45.9 percent at end-2005.

Non-publicly guaranteed external debt came in at EUR 12,976 million, rising 5.2 percent from end-2005.

Romania's medium- and long-term external debt at end-May 2006 and external debt service in January through May 2006
- EUR million -
  Medium - and long-term external debt External debt service
Balance at 31/12/2005r Balance at 31/05/2006p 1/01-31/05/2006p
1. PUBLIC DEBTa) 6,935 6,824 267
of which:
4,345 4,133 252
- public sector 4,133 3,941 236
- private sectorb) 212 192 16
of which:
12,339 12,976 1,337
- public sector 560 525 38
- private sectorb) 11,779 12,451 1,299
4. External debt (1+2+3) (loans/borrowings and the like) 23,619 23,933 1,856
5. Medium- and long-term deposits of non-residents 949 854 151e
Total external debt (4+5) 24,568 24,787 2,007

r - rectified data

p - provisional data

e - estimates

a) loans taken or guaranteed by the Ministry of Public Finance in compliance with Public Debt Act

b) financial and non-financial entities with majority private capital

January through May 2006, medium- and long-term external debt service ratio2 ran at 16.2 percent, compared to 18.2 percent in 2005.

At end-May 2006, import cover3 stood at 6.3 months versus 6.4 months at year end-2005.


  1. External debt balance is subject to monthly revision.
  2. Medium- and long-term external debt service ratio is computed as a ratio of medium- and long-term external debt service to exports of goods and services.
  3. Import cover is computed as a ratio of official reserves of the NBR (foreign exchange + gold) at end of period to average monthly imports of goods and services for the period under review.