Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January - November 2005


January through November 2005, the balance-of-payments current account showed a deficit of EUR 6,023 million, rising 42.3 percent year on year.

- EUR mill. -
  January - November 2004* January - November 2005**
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 23,343 27,576 -4,233 28,759 34,782 -6,023
A. Goods and services 20,002 24,598 -4,596 23,993 31,029 -7,036
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 17,404 21,871 -4,467 20,433 27,174 -6,741
  b. Services 2,598 2,727 -129 3,560 3,855 -295
        - transport 1,137 1,090 47 1,027 1,424 -397
        - tourism - travel 376 401 -25 766 616 150
        - other 1,085 1,236 -151 1,767 1,815 -48
B. Incomes 294 2,619 -2,325 1,146 3,321 -2,175
C. Current transfers 3,047 359 2,688 3,620 432 3,188

* revised data

** provisional data

Medium- and long-term external debt1, at end-November 2005 stood at EUR 23,617 million, up 29.1 percent compared to end-2004.

Public and publicly guaranteed external debt totalled EUR 11,278 million at end-November 2005, accounting for 47.7 percent of medium- and long-term debt against 54.9 percent at end-2004.

Non-publicly guaranteed external debt amounted to EUR 11,407 million, 45 percent higher than at end-2004.

Medium- and long-term external debt at end-November 2005 and external debt service for January-November 2005
- EUR mill., provisional data -
  Medium - and long-term external debt External debt service
Balance at 31/12/2004 Balance at 30/11/2005 January-November 2005
I. PUBLIC DEBTa) 6,370 6,939 962
of which:
3,676 4,339 735
- public sector 3,494 4,179 704
- private sectorb) 182 160 31
of which:
7,869 11,407 2,102
- public sector 385 557 57
- private sectorb) 7,484 10,850 2,045
Total external debt resulting from medium- and long-term borrowings 17,915 22,685 3,799
Medium- and long-term deposits of non-residents 376 932 234*
Total medium- and long-term external debt 18,291 23,617 4,033

* estimates

a) loans taken or guaranteed by the Ministry of Public Finance in compliance with Public Debt Act

b)financial and non-financial entities with majority private capital

January through November 2005, medium-and long-term external debt service ratio2 came in at 16.8 percent versus 18.4 percent at end-2004.

At end-November 2005, import cover3 rose to 6.4 months from 5.2 months at end-2004.


  1. External debt balance is subject to monthly revision.
  2. External debt service ratio is computed as a ratio of medium- and long-term external debt service to exports of goods and services.
  3. Import cover is computed as a ratio of official reserves of the NBR (foreign exchange + gold) at end of period to average monthly imports of goods and services for the period under review.