Comunicat de presă

Press release on the compensation of depositors with Banca Internaţională a Religiilor


The Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund advises of the following:

Compensatory payments for the guaranteed deposits held by individuals with Banca Internaţională a Religiilor shall be made as from 9 October 2000 through several units of Banca Română pentru Dezvoltare – Groupe Société Générale, based on a daily scheduling of the compensation beneficiaries.

On 5 October 2000, all units of Banca Internaţională a Religiilor and the units of Banca Română pentru Dezvoltare – Groupe Société Générale that will make payments are to display the assignment of the beneficiaries to the units of Banca Română pentru Dezvoltare – Groupe Société Générale, the daily scheduling of payments, and the list of documents required for the collection of amounts due to depositors.

Individuals are asked to come to the units of Banca Internaţională a Religiilor where they made the deposits and read the notice of the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund, the units of Banca Română pentru Dezvoltare – Groupe Société Générale that will make payments, the payment days and the documents required for the collection of the compensation.