Comunicat de presă

The issue of Lei 500,000 banknote and Lei 1,000 coin


In accordance with the prerogatives endowed by Art. 15 and 18 of Law No. 101/1998 - the NBR Act, the National Bank of Romania will put into circulation, starting 23 October 2000, a banknote with face value of Lei 500,000 and a coin with face value of Lei 1,000 .

The Lei 500,000 banknote description:

  • size: 165x76 mm;
  • intaglio printed (both sides) on polymer;
  • main colours, both sides: yellow, light green, light blue and orange;
  • background: flower motifs on the obverse and geometric motifs on the reverse;

Obverse: the front portrait of Aurel Vlaicu (1882 - 1913), Romanian engineer and inventor, pilot and aeroplane builder. Centred, an Edelweiss flower (Leontopodium alpinum) and a stylised aeroplane propeller, between the flower and the portrait. Upper, the Romanian Coat of Arms, the name of the issuing central bank "BANCA NAŢIONALĂ A ROMÂNIEI", and an inset with the NBR logo. Down, the banknote denomination in figures and letters "500.000 lei CINCI SUTE MII". Left, the authorised signatures of the Governor and Chief Cashier and the issuing year "2000". Vertically, right, the denomination "CINCI SUTE MII 500.000".

Reverse: Centre: a mountain eagle head (Aquila chrysaetos), symbolising the courage of Aurel Vlaicu and of his flight. On the left, the design of "Vlaicu II" aeroplane. Behind, the "Gnome" engine sketch. Up: the denomination value "500.000" vertically and horizontally, the name of the issuing central bank "BANCA NAŢIONALĂ A ROMÂNIEI" and the NBR logo. Down, right: the denomination value in figures and letters "CINCI SUTE MII lei 500.000"; left, a sign for visually impaired: NBR logo within a rectangle. Right from the transparent window, the penalty text, vertically: "FALSIFICAREA ACESTOR BILETE SE PEDEPSEŞTE CONFORM LEGILOR" (FORGERY IS PUNISHED ACCORDING TO THE LAW). Serial number black, vertically, on the left side; serial number, red, increasing characters, horizontally, on the right side.

The Lei 500,000 banknote includes the following security features for protection against counterfeiting:

  • transparent window with embossed denomination value "500000": clear, non-printed area, visible from both sides;
  • intaglio printing on both sides;
  • latent image: right side, on obverse, golden area printed in white with "NBR" letters; when the note is tilted, the image of the Băneşti monument appears;
  • shadow image: the portrait of Aurel Vlaicu and the NBR logo are visible when the banknote is held up to the light;
  • perfect register: different elements of a wind rose are printed on both sides of the banknote; when the note is held up to the light, both figures match properly.

The Lei 1,000 coin description:

  • metal compound: AlMg3;
  • colour: silver;
  • shape: circular;
  • diameter: 22 mm;
  • thickness: 2.15 mm;
  • weight: 2 g.

Obverse: the face value Lei 1.000, the Romanian Coat of Arms, the issuing year "2000", inscription "ROMANIA" and ornaments (points and lines).

Reverse: the portrait of the Romanian ruler Constantin Brâncoveanu, the years of his reign 1688-1714, and the inscription "CONSTANTIN BRANCOVEANU".

In order to be recognised by the visually impaired, the coin has a milled edge.

The Lei 1,000 coin will be legal tender in parallel with the Lei 1,000 banknote issued in 1998.

The designs of these issues are protected by registration with OSIM (Romanian National Office for Trademarks).

Any colour reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes, for information or any other licit action must be done with the previous written permission of the National Bank of Romania.

Forgery or attempted forgery shall be punished, according to the Romanian Criminal Code, Art. 282, with 3 to 12 years in jail.