Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January - October 2003


At end-October 2003, the balance-of-payments current account showed a deficit of EUR 2,108 million, up 74.2 percent against the first ten months of the previous year.

- EUR million -
  January - October 2002 January - October 2003
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 16,081 17,291 -1,210 17,024 19,132 -2,108
A. Goods and services 14,165 16,280 -2,115 15,192 18,131 -2,939
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 12,105 14,289 -2,184 12,996 15,961 -2,965
  b. Services 2,060 1,991 69 2,196 2,170 26
        - transport 852 727 125 880 816 64
        - tourism 293 335 -42 320 389 -69
        - other services 915 929 -14 996 965 31
B. Incomes 334 800 -466 241 755 -514
C. Current transfers 1,582 211 1,371 1,591 246 1,345

Medium- and long-term external debt picked up 6.3 percent versus December 2002 and came in at EUR 15,542 million at end-October 2003.

Public and publicly guaranteed external debt amounted to EUR 9,977 million at end-October 2003, accounting for 64.2 percent of the medium- and long-term debt against 62.8 percent at end-2002. Private external debt added 2.2 percent from end-2002 to EUR 5,565 million.

Romania's medium- and long-term debt at end-October 2003 (provisional data)
- EUR million -
Type of debt Balance at 31.12.2002 Balance at 31.10.2003 Debt service 1.01-31.10.2003
I. Public debt 6,041 6,813 504
II. Publicly guaranteed debt 3,139 3,164 782
III. Private debt 5,443 5,565 1,029
TOTAL EXTERNAL DEBT 14,623 15,542 2,315

External debt service ratio ran at 17.7 percent at end-October 2003 against 24.2 percent at end-2002.

At end-October 2003, import cover was 4.4 months compared with 4.2 months at end-2002.