Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January - July 2003


At end-July 2003, the balance-of-payments current account showed a deficit of EUR 1,386 million, up 30.1 percent against the first seven months of 2002.

- EUR million -
  January - July 2002 January - July 2003
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 10,903 11,968 -1,065 11,666 13,052 -1,386
A. Goods and services 9,673 11,235 -1,562 10,444 12,291 -1,847
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 8,290 9,857 -1,567 8,993 10,830 -1,837
  b. Services 1,383 1,378 5 1,451 1,461 -10
        - transport 569 497 72 592 548 44
        - tourism 188 212 -24 198 225 -27
        - other services 626 669 -43 661 688 -27
B. Incomes 220 591 -371 179 591 -412
C. Current transfers 1,010 142 868 1,043 170 837

Medium- and long-term external debt moved up 2.9 percent versus December 2002 and totalled EUR 15,043 million at end-July 2003.

Public and publicly guaranteed external debt amounted to EUR 9,726 million at end-July 2003, accounting for 64.7 percent of the medium- and long-term debt against 62.8 percent at end-2002. External private debt ran at EUR 5,317 million, down 2.2 percent from end-2002.

Romania's medium- and long-term debt at end-July 2003 (provisional data)
- EUR million -
Type of debt Balance at 31.12.2002 Balance at 30.07.2003 Debt service 1.01-31.07.2003
I. Public debt 6,039 6,617 424
II. Publicly guaranteed debt 3,140 3,109 544
III. Private debt 5,438 5,317 669
TOTAL EXTERNAL DEBT 14,617 15,043 1,637

Medium- and long-term external debt service ratio came in at 18.3 percent at end-June 2003, against 21.4 percent at end-2002.

At end-July 2003, import cover was 4.2 months compared with 3.8 months at end-June 2003, thus reverting to the level recorded at end-2002.