Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January - May 2003


At end-May 2003, the balance-of-payments current account showed a deficit of EUR 967 million, up 46.7 percent from the same year-ago period.

- EUR million -
  January - May 2002 January - May 2003
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 7,4288,087-6597,9948,961-967
A. Goods and services 6,5877,664-1,0777,1848,416-1,232
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 5,6446,701-1,0576,2217,431-1,210
  b. Services 943963-20963985-22
        - transport 3933415239937029
        - tourism 125158-33129144-15
        - other services 425464-39435471-36
B. Incomes 152338-186135421-286
C. Current transfers 68985604675124551

Medium- and long-term external debt eased by 3.8 percent versus December 2002 and totalled EUR 13,993 million at end-May 2003.

Public and publicly guaranteed external debt amounted to EUR 8,800 million at end-May 2003, accounting for 62.9 percent of the medium- and long-term debt (against 63.0 percent at end-December 2002); external private debt decreased by 3.4 percent to EUR 5,193 million.

Romania's medium- and long-term debt at end-May 2003 (provisional data)
- EUR million -
Type of debt Balance at 31.12.2002 Balance at 31.05.2003 Debt service 1.01-31.05.2003
I. Public debt 6,0395,794270
II. Publicly guaranteed debt 3,1353,006386
III. Private debt 5,3785,193437
Total external debt 14,55213,9931,093

Medium- and long-term debt service ratio ran at 18.2 percent at end-May 2003, against 21.4 percent at end-2002.

Import cover dropped from 4.2 months at end-2002 to 3.7 months at end-May 2003.