Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in 2001


At end-December 2001, the balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of USD 2,349 million compared with USD 1,363 million at the end of 2000. This development was attributable to the joint action of the following factors: (i) the 76.3 percent widening of the deficit under goods and services; (ii) the 17.5 percent expansion of the deficit under incomes; and (iii) the 36.6 percent increase in the surplus under current transfers.

- USD million -
  2000 2001
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 13,537 14,900 -1,363 15,151 17,500 -2,349
A. Goods and services 12,133 14,071 -1,938 13,333 16,522 -3,189
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 10,366 12,050 -1,684 11,385 14,354 -2,969
  b. Services 1,767 2,021 -254 1,948 2,168 -220
        - Transport 652 655 -3 761 766 -5
        - Tourism 359 425 -66 362 449 -87
        - Others 756 941 -185 825 953 -128
B. Incomes 325 610 -285 369 704 -335
C. Current transfers 1,079 219 860 1,449 274 1,175

Medium- and long-term external debt rose by 11.4 percent in 2001 amounting to USD 11,412 million at end-December.

At end-December 2001 public and publicly guaranteed debt ran at USD 7,673 million, accounting for 67.2 percent of the medium- and long-term debt (against 67.9 percent at end-December 2000). Private external debt moved 13.7 percent higher to USD 3,739 million at end-December 2001.

Medium- and long-term debt service ratio (computed as a ratio between medium- and long-term external debt service and exports of goods and services) stood at 18.4 percent at end-December 2001 versus 16.1 percent at end-2000.