Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January - April 2001


As at end-April 2001, the current account deficit equalled USD 791 million compared with USD 239 million in the same year-ago period. This development stemmed mainly from the following: (i) the USD 888 million trade deficit and (ii) the USD 260 million surplus under current transfers.

- USD million -
  January - April 2000 January - April 2001
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 3,975 4,214 -239 4,734 5,525 -791
A. Goods and services 3,640 3,954 -314 4,239 5,237 -998
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 3,192 3,350 -158 3,702 4,590 -888
  b. Services 448 604 -156 537 647 -110
        - Transport 177 188 -11 217 244 -27
        - Tourism 94 96 -2 66 107 -41
        - Others 177 320 -143 254 296 -42
B. Incomes 68 195 -127 135 188 -53
C. Current transfers 267 65 202 360 100 260

In the first four months of this year, Romania's external debt rose USD 301 million to USD 10,544 million at end-April 2001. Medium- and long-term external debt increased by 2.9 per cent to reach USD 10,166 million and short-term debt went up 7.6 per cent to USD 389 million.

Public and publicly guaranteed debt as of end-April 2001 came in at USD 7,128 million, accounting for 70.1 per cent of the medium- and long-term debt compared with 69.6 per cent at year-end 2000. In the first four monts of 2001, private debt was little changed, running at USD 3,037 million at end-April.

Debt service ratio (computed as a ratio between external debt service and exports of goods and services) stood at 15 per cent as of end-April 2001 compared with 18.8 per cent at end-2000.