Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January 2001


In January 2001 the current account deficit ran at USD 107 million, 2.4 times higher year on year. This resulted primarily from a trade deficit of USD 157 million and a current transfers surplus of USD 50 million.

- million USD -
  January 2000 January 2001
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 861 892 -31 1,163 1,270 -107
A. Goods and Services 796 843 -47 1,049 1,213 -164
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 693 729 -36 909 1,066 -157
  b. Services 103 114 -11 140 147 -7
        - Transportation 46 39 7 56 55 1
        - Tourism 16 18 -2 17 22 -5
        - Other services 41 57 -16 67 70 -3
B. Incomes 9 32 -23 35 28 7
C. Current transfers 56 17 39 79 29 50

Romania's external debt grew by 1.6 percent in January 2001 to reach USD 10,311 million at the end of the month. In the same period, the medium- and long-term external debt increased by 1.7 percent to USD 9,951 million, whereas the short-term debt inched 0.3 percent down to USD 360 million.

The USD 162 million rise in the medium- and long-term debt recorded in January was due mainly to a Eurobond issue worth USD 146 million.

Public and publicly guaranteed debt as of 31 January 2001 stood at USD 7,039 million and accounted for 70.7 percent of the medium- and long-term debt (against 70.0 percent at end-2000). In January private debt fell by 0.7 percent to USD 2,912 million at the end of the month.

Debt service ratio (computed as a ratio between external debt service and exports of goods and services) was 16.2 percent as of 31 January 2001, compared with 17.9 percent at end-2000.