Comunicat de presă

Balance of Payments in January - November 2000


In the first eleven months of 2000, the current account recorded a USD 751 million deficit, 24.5 percent lower year on year. Behind this development stood the following factors: (i) the 24.1 percent widening of the trade deficit, (ii) the 31.4 percent drop in the services deficit, (iii) the 21.3 percent fall in the incomes deficit, and (iv) the 52.7 percent increase in the surplus under current transfers.

- million USD -
  1999 (January - November) 2000 (January - November)
CURRENT ACCOUNT (A+B+C) 9,895 10,890 -995 12,359 13,110 -751
A. Goods and Services 9,007 10,165 -1,158 11,119 12,404 -1,285
  a. Goods (exports fob - imports fob) 7,719 8,603 -884 9,529 10,626 -1,097
  b. Services 1,288 1,562 -274 1,590 1,778 -188
        - Transportation 490 476 14 592 575 17
        - Tourism 235 347 -112 334 382 -48
        - Other services 563 739 -176 664 821 -157
B. Incomes 135 520 -385 212 515 -303
C. Current transfers 753 205 548 1,028 191 837

During January - November 2000, Romania's external debt posted a 5 percent increase to USD 9,507 million at end-November. In the same period, the medium- and long term debt rose by 5.6 percent to USD 9,162 million, whereas short-term debt fell by 10.5 percent to USD 345 million.

The USD 273 million rise in medium- and long-term debt in November was due mainly to the launch of the second Eurobond issue (worth EUR 150 million) in 2000 and to a loan taken by "Termoelectrica" from a private bank and guaranteed by the Romanian government.

Public and publicly guaranteed debt as of 30 November 2000 stood at USD 6,556 million, accounting for 71.6 percent of the medium- and long-term debt (against 71.3 percent on 31 December 1999). In the first eleven months of the year, private debt rose by 4.6 percent to reach USD 2,606 million at end-November 2000.

Debt service ratio (computed as a ratio between external debt service and exports of goods and services) was 17.5 percent as of 30 November 2000 compared with 35.9 percent at end-1999.