Comunicat de presă

Press release of Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund


The Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund informs the public of the following:

In virtue of the ruling made by Braşov court of law on 16 April 2002 concerning file No. 1614/2002 on commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against Banca Română de Scont pursuant to provisions of Art. 19 of Law No. 83/1998, as amended, we hereby state the following:

1. The payment of compensations for guaranteed deposits held by natural persons with Banca Română de Scont will be carried out from 19 June to 19 July 2002 at the branches of Banc Post joint-stock company in Bucharest, Braşov, Cluj Napoca, Târgu Mureş, Piteşti, Buzău, Ploieşti, Târgovişte, Focşani, Miercurea Ciuc, Sfântu Gheorghe, Giurgiu, and Mediaş.

2. For the payment of compensations for deposits held by natural persons with Banca Română de Scont, depositors are asked to contact the outlets of Banca Română de Scont for information on payment conditions of guaranteed deposits, and fill in personal data for identification in the database of the bank respectively.

For additional information on deposits and payment of guaranteed deposits, deposit holders - natural persons - may contact the liquidator of Banca Română de Scont, at the head-office in Braşov, str. Turnului 5, or call 068.421.821, 068.421.873, 068.422.862, or send a fax to 068.423.066.