Comunicat de presă

Press release of Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund


The Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund informs that the period for payment through Banc Post of compensations for deposits held by natural persons with the insolvent Banca Română de Scont has ended on 19 July 2002.

Pursuant to the legal provisions, deposit holders who have failed to claim their deposits at the territorial units of Banc Post may collect the due compensation within three years from commencement of compensation payments, i.e. until 18 June 2005.

Payment of compensations shall be made solely based on an application submitted to the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund, which must include:

  • identification data of the deposit holder (name and surname, number of identification card, personal identification number, domicile, phone number, as the case may be).
  • the reason, in short, for which the compensation to be paid by Banc Post was not collected by19 July 2002;
  • the way the collection shall be carried out (presentation in person at the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund according to a pri-announced schedule, or by postal order with the deduction of the mailing cost).

A copy of the identification card shall be attached to the application.

Applications shall be submitted to the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund at the following address: 42-48 Staicovici St., Bucharest, postal code 76202.