Comunicat de presă

Numismatic issue - three silver coins representing "Natural reserves and parks of Romania"


In virtue of Law 101/1998-The NBR Act and Ordinance No. 45/1998 issued by the Government of Romania, as approved by Law No. 244/1998 on vesting the NBR with the power to put in circulation numismatic coins made of precious metals, the National Bank of Romania shall issue starting 16 September 2002 three silver coins with face value of ROL 50 representing "Natural reserves and parks of Romania".

Characteristics of the coins:

  • shape: triangular: each side describing an arc of circle;
  • length of the arcs of circle: 29.54 mm;
  • diagonal: 27.71 mm;
  • radius of the circumscribed circle: 16.5 mm;
  • metal: silver;
  • fineness: 999/1000;
  • quality: proof;
  • weight: 15.551 grams;
  • edge: flat;
  • year of issue: 2002.

The obverse is common for all the three coins. Romania's Coat of Arms and the year of issue "2002" are placed centrally in a triangular-shaped inset symbolising a cardinal point. The inscription "ROMÂNIA" is engraved with capital letters on the upper part and follows the edge of the coins. The face value is engraved horizontally under the triangular- shaped inset.

The reverse includes both common and specific graphic elements and inscriptions as follows:

  • common elements - the inscription "REZERVAŢII ŞI PARCURI NAŢIONALE";
  • specific elements - faunal symbols for the three protected mountain areas in Romania: mountain eagle for the "Parcul Naţional Retezat" (Retezat National Park ), chamois for the "Rezervaţia Naturală Pietrosul Mare" (Pietrosul Mare Reservation), and lynx for the "Parcul Natural Piatra Craiului" (Piatra Craiului Natural Park). The scientific terms of the three faunal species and the name of the park or reservation are engraved as well.

The three coins sets making up the issue "REZERVAŢII ŞI PARCURI NAŢIONALE ALE ROMÂNIEI" are encapsulated in transparent plastic cases and shall be sold in adequate boxes with the NBR's logo on the cover. Each set shall be accompanied by authentication certificates (in Romanian and English), bearing serial numbers and the signature of both the Governor and the Head Cashier, as well as by a prospectus.

The issue to be sold both on the domestic and foreign markets comprises 500 sets of coins.

The silver coins issued by the National Bank of Romania may be purchased by natural or legal entities for numismatic purposes pursuant to Art. 2 of Ordinance No. 45/1998 issued by the Government of Romania and approved by Law No. 244/1998.

The silver coins with face value of ROL 50 - year of issue 2002- are legal tender in Romania.

The design of the coins is protected by registration with the State Office of Trademarks in Romania. Forgery or counterfeiting of these coins is an infringement of the law and shall be penalised accordingly.

The branches of the National Bank of Romania are in charge of putting into circulation the silver coins for numismatic purposes.