Comunicat de presă

Press release on withdrawal from circulation of the ROL 10,000 note - year of issue 1999 - and the ROL 50,000 note - year of issue 1996


Pursuant to the provisions under Art. 19 of Law 101/1998-The NBR Act - subsequently amended and supplemented, the National Bank of Romania shall withdraw from circulation as of 1 October 2002 the banknotes with face value ROL 10,000 - year of issue 1999 and those with face value ROL 50,000 year of issue 1996.

After 31 December 2002 the said banknotes cease to be legal tender.

The withdrawal of the banknotes with face value ROL 10,000 - year of issue 1999 and those with face value ROL 50,000 year of issue 1996 shall be carried out as follows:

Between 1 October - 15 December 2002, the above-mentioned banknotes will be received in the usual way from individuals by all economic agents and other institutions which are bound to receive the banknotes, not to put them again in circulation, and to deposit them on a daily basis along with the cash receipts with the banks where they hold their accounts.

Between 16 - 31 December 2002, the banknotes will be accepted only by banks from individuals, economic agents and other institutions, for payment or exchange. Commercial banks shall no longer put the banknotes in circulation, but deposit them with the National Bank of Romania.

As after 31 December 2002 the banknotes with face value ROL 10,000 - year of issue 1999 and those with face value ROL 50,000 year of issue 1996 cease to be legal tender, commercial banks shall no longer receive them from individuals, economic agents or other institutions, and shall not exchange them.

Between 1 January - 30 June 2003, the banknotes with face value ROL 10,000 - year of issue 1999 and those with face value ROL 50,000 year of issue 1996, which ceased to be legal tender, may be exchanged by the National Bank of Romania branches only.