Comunicat de presă

National Bank of Romania is to launch, starting 1 December 2006, the RON 200 banknote


Pursuant to Art. 14 and 17 of Law No. 312/2004 - The Statute of the NBR, the National Bank of Romania is to launch, starting 1 December 2006, the RON 200 banknote.


  • size: 150 x 82 mm, with ±1 mm tolerance;
  • prevailing colour: orange;
  • polymer substrate, in plane/relief mixed technique.

The obverse of the banknote shows the following major graphic elements: the portrait of Lucian Blaga, his life span (1895 - 1961), the poet's facsimile signature, a floral element consisting of poppy flowers (Papaver Rhoeas), an open book displaying the page with the poems "Self-portrait" and "9 May 1895". The obverse also shows the face value, in both figures and letters, the phrase "200 LEI DOUĂ SUTE" horizontally, the signatures of both Governor and Head Cashier, Romania's coat-of-arms, the name of the issuing central bank "BANCA NAŢIONALĂ A ROMÂNIEI", a medallion with the NBR logo and vertically right the face value "DOUĂ SUTE LEI" in letters, the issuing date "1 decembrie 2006", the face value "200" in letters.

The reverse features the graphic composition presenting the image of the small Neolithic statue of the Thinker of Hamangia, a rainbow, an old water mill, and behind the mill a sessile oak. The reverse also shows the face value in both figures and letters, the name of the issuing central bank "BANCA NAŢIONALĂ A ROMÂNIEI", the NBR logo in the upper right side, the sign for the visually-impaired: NBR logo within a rectangle in the lower left side, the text "FALSIFICAREA ACESTOR BILETE SE PEDEPSEŞTE CONFORM LEGILOR" (FORGERY IS PUNISHED ACCORDING TO THE LAW), serial number in black ink, same size fonts, vertically, on the left side, and in red ink, increasing fonts, horizontally, on the right side.

For the purpose of protecting against counterfeiting, the banknote includes the following security features for the public:

  1. transparent window, the golden, book page-shaped area, placed on the obverse of the banknote; the face value "200" in figures and the reproduction of a pen are embossed in the window;
  2. relief printing, detectable by touch:

    – on the obverse, the portrait, the poppy flower, Romania's coat-of-arms, the name of the issuing central bank "BANCA NAŢIONALĂ A ROMÂNIEI", the medallion with the NBR logo and the face value in figures and letters;

    – on the reverse, the water mill, the image of the small Neolithic statue of the Thinker of Hamangia, the name of the issuing central bank "BANCA NAŢIONALĂ A ROMÂNIEI", the NBR logo, the face value in figures and letters and the rectangle with the NBR logo, and vertically the face value in figures "200";

  3. optical variable ink: special ink shifting from golden to green when the banknote is tilted; such ink has been used to print the face value in letters, on the obverse, in the lower left side;
  4. latent image: on the reverse, in the middle of the banknote, the letters BNR on the wall of the water mill; this element becomes visible when the note is tilted;
  5. watermark: when the banknote is held up to the light, the portrait of Lucian Blaga and the NBR logo become visible on the left side of the obverse;
  6. perfect register: the ink-pot in a square, placed above the book on the obverse and above the water mill on the reverse; the elements of design printed in the same area on both obverse and reverse form a complete picture when the banknote is held up to the light;
  7. security thread: visible on both obverse and reverse of the banknote;
  8. iridescent stripe: on the reverse, a vertical, golden-transparent stripe showing the face value of the banknote in figures "200";
  9. micro-perforations: the face value in figures "200" placed vertically, near the poppy flower; micro-perforations are visible when the banknote is held up to the light.

Any reproduction of the banknotes and coins, year of issue 2005, in full or in part, for advertising, information or other commercial purposes shall be made only upon written consent of the National Bank of Romania.

Forgery or attempted forgery shall be punished by 3 to 12 years' imprisonment and suspension of some rights, pursuant to Art. 282 of the Criminal Code.