Tthe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

OECD is one of the most important global discussions fora, where governments work together in order to identify solutions to their shared issues. The OECD has 38 members (mainly developed economies and a few emerging ones) and its mission is to promote policies that improve the economic and social environment around the world. OECD's activity is based on continued monitoring of the economic developments in the member states, as well as outside the OECD area, and entails regular (short and medium-term) economic projections, as well as recommendations to the national governments.

Romania is not a member of the OECD, but as of 25 January 2022, upon the OECD Council decision, accession discussions are ongoing. The National Bank of Romania supports this goal by participating in various working structures of OECD with activities related to its mandate.

Specifically, the NBR has attended the meetings of the Committee on Financial Markets (as an invitee, since October 2015), the Advisory Task Force on the OECD Codes of Liberalization (as an invitee, since May 2018), the four working groups established under the Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy (as an invitee from June 2017 to May 2019 and as an associate since June 2019) as well as other events.

In 2018, the NBR became a member of the International Network for Financial Education.

The NBR has also been involved in various tasks related to the accession process, within the limits of its competences according to its Statute, mainly by coordinating the completion of various accession questionnaires and organizing the evaluation missions of OECD experts regarding Romania's alignment with OECD’s requirements on various topics.

At the same time, the NBR participates as a permanent guest at the meetings of the National Committee for Romania's accession to the OECD chaired by the Prime Minister of Romania, which ensures the overall coordination of the accession process.