BNR - EconomicHub

economic hub

BNR - EconomicHub is a new project launched by the National Bank of Romania, based on economic and financial debates, this once addressed to the business community.

Developed in partnership with the county Chambers of Trade and Industry the project aims at:

  • providing the necessary information for clarifying current and concerning aspects for the entrepreneurial environment;
  • explaining the central bank’s functions and role, the measures it adopts as well as the groundwork that led to such measures;
  • debating on mutual interest topics.

So far, during 2020, the project’s editions took place on:

  • August 27th and September 3rd 2020 – Constanta Regional Branch premises
  • October 15th 2020, Sibiu Agency premises

The events succeeded in promoting microeconomics and macroeconomics concepts, presenting evolutions with regards to lending to the banking sector and solutions for increasing the SMEs capability to access bank financing – aspects of real interest for the business environment. Other compelling debates related to payments and payment tools used in trade relationships – the cheque and the promisory note.

Among the main topics:

  • The macro-financial framework and implications at the microeconomic level during pandemic crisis - Eugen Rădulescu, Director – Financial stability Department – National Bank of Romania
  • Financing the SMEs and Romania’s entrepreneurship hallmark - Florin Dănescu, Executive president – Romanian Association of Banks / Gabriela Folcuț, Executive director – Romanian Association of Banks
  • Payment solutions – benefits, risks and practical aspects - Ruxandra Avram, Director, Raluca Micu, Head of department – Monitoring of financial market infrastructures and payments Department - National Bank of Romania

Moderator of the event: Dan Suciu, Director – Communication and public relations Department - National Bank of Romania