People and Stories

Portrait of a Romanian Personality, Ana Aslan

Ana Aslan was born in January 1897, the youngest child of a highly educated Armenian family in Brăila.

Mircea the Elder in Numismatics and Medalistics

Mircea the Elder (1386 – 1418) was the son of Radu I and ruler of Wallachia. He was also known in history as Mircea the Great and succeeded to secure for the province of Wallachia.

Elena Cuza: A Life in the Service of Others

Elena Cuza, the wife of Alexandru Ioan Cuza was a discreet presence, whose actions became a landmark in philanthropy, medical assistance development, as well as in supporting education and culture.

The Romanian General Exhibition of 1906 Reflected in Numismatics

As King Carol I stated in his opening speech on 6 June 1906, the exhibition was intended to become “our first National Exhibition, a true celebration of Romanian work”.

Constantin Brâncuși Represented on Romanian Banknotes and Coins

The man who will become one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th century was born on 19 February 1876 in the village of Hobița, Gorj County.

Governor M.C. Sutzu, Promoter of Romanian Numismatics

Complex personality, with a rich activity in administrative and academic areas developed during the building of modern Romania, descendent of a famous boyar family, Sutzu was born in Bucharest on 15 Feb. 1841.

Primitive Money, the Coin Forerunners

In modern times the use of money in the form of banknotes and coins or in electronic form has become a habitual experience and we cannot conceive its absence in our every-day life. Money, however, had a complex evolution over time.