

On September 1st 2020 the National Bank of Romania, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Ministry of Finances and the Romanian Association of Banks launched FinClub, a financial education program for teens of X to XII grade, which are passionate about the financial market.

Developed under the Collaboration Protocol for Financial Education, the program aims at creating a financial education club, which hosts fortnightly online meetings.

The main topics aim at acquiring information as well as fathoming notions and financial concepts such as:

  • Business development and the role of financial tools in the business success;
  • Negotiation and persuasion techniques;
  • Tax evasion (description of tax evasion types and case studies);
  • Individual economic welfare and means for business developing using money from the bank;
  • Long-term money management;
  • Savings and personal investments;
  • The credit card – modern payment means;
  • Negotiation and persuasion techniques – debate on thematic book – Rich dad, poor dad by Robert Kyiosaki

Each time, FinClub invites lectors, teachers, trainers, representatives of the financial markets and various economic sectors, people with various professional expertise.