
The National Bank of Romania offers undergraduate students or graduate students attending a MA/MSc programme in the field of Economics the opportunity to do an internship and carry out practical activities in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired during their university programme.

  • max. 8 weeks - established within the framework agreements concluded with the Romanian Universities, depending on the specific requirements of the University study programme
  • 4 weeks for students enrolled abroad in a Bachelor or Master degree
Available places 15
Business areas
  • Monetary Policy Department
  • Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Department
  • Financial Stability Department
  • Regulation and Licensing Department
  • Market Operations Department
  • Economics Department
  • International Relations Department
  • Bank Resolution Department
Framework agreement Yes, in accordance with the provisions of Order No 3955/2008
Series 1: Series 2:
Dată început 1st of July 1st of August
Registration period By 15th of May

The National Bank of Romania does not provide financial support to students. The status of trainee at the National Bank of Romania does not confer an advantage when applying for a vacant position within the institution.  

Eligibility criteria
Necessary documents for registration

Submitting all documents

Applicants should send their documents to e-mail Letters of recommendation can be sent directly by the persons recommending the participants to the above-mentioned e-mail address.

Notification of acceptance/rejection of application

The Human Resources Department communicates to each student the acceptance or rejection of his/her application, by e-mail, within maximum 3 working days after the receipt of the application.

Selection process

The selection process comprises of two steps:

  • Preliminary selection  analysis of the documents required for application;
  • Selection interview.

Main selection criteria:

The assessment of students during the selection process is based on the following criteria:

  • Academic results obtained by the applicants during their study years of the Degree in which they are enrolled at the time of application;
  • cunoștințele teoretice specifice domeniului;
  • Theoretical knowledge specific to the business area;
  • Performance during the interview;
  • Research and/or paper topic which will be carried out during the Internship at The National Bank of Romania.

Communication of the result of the selection process

The result of the selection process will be sent by e-mail.

Evaluation at the end of the Internship

Upon successful completion of the Internship, students will receive an Internship certificate from The National Bank of Romania.

For further information on Internships please contact us by phone at 021.313.04.10 ext. 2536 or by e-mail at training[at]