Bank lending survey

Main purpose

Getting to know the views of domestic credit institutions on the evolution and characteristics of lending, in order to better oversee the risks and to deepen the understanding of lending behaviour in Romania.


The survey is conducted quarterly by the NBR, in January, April, July and October.

It is based on a questionnaire that is sent to the top 10 credit institutions selected based on the market share in terms of loans to companies and households.

The questionnaire is structured into two sections, distinctly looking at the characteristics of lending to (A) non-financial corporations and (B) households.

Questions refer to banks' views on the evolution of:

  • credit standards (internal credit standards or criteria governing credit institutions’ lending policy);
  • credit terms and conditions (loan covenants agreed by lenders and borrowers in the loan agreement such as interest rate, collateral, maturity etc.); ,
  • risks associated with lending;
  • loan demand;
  • other specific lending details (expectations regarding the average house price per square meter, debt service to household income, loan-to-value ratio etc.).

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