External Debt

Gross external debt consists of the outstanding amount of those actual current, and not contingent, liabilities that require future payments of principal and/or interest by the debtor and that are owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy (according to the definition of External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers). The compilation of statistical data on gross external debt is made in line with the IMF and EU methodology (Balance of Payments Manual - BPM6; Manual on Government Deficit and Debt Implementation of ESA 2010, 2014 Edition).

External public debt is recorded, monitored and managed by the Ministry of Public Finance (Law No. 109/2008 approving Emergency Ordinance No. 64/2007 on public debt). Foreign exchange capital operations in long-term external private debt are notified to the NBR pursuant to NBR Regulation no. 4/2021 on the reporting of data and statistical information to the NBR - Romanian only.

The external debt data sets are compiled and published according to the new international standards in statistics presented in the IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (sixth edition, BPM6) that replaces the previous version of the Manual (fifth edition, BPM5). Further details regarding the main methodological changes and data comparison are available in the Implementing the new Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6) (link to ECB website).

The external debt data are revised on a monthly basis; revised data related to previous periods are available in the website Interactive database.

Structure by debtors and creditors

Q2/2023Q3/2023Q4/2023Q1/2024May  2024
EUR million - end of period
Long-term external debt114,447.9117,015.2121,757.6129,585.7 130,997.4
      Direct public debt69,978.872,129.975,999.083,303.5 84,752.6
           - multilateral institutions13,513.714,117.914,973.415,459.0 15,419.8
           - bilateral institutions10. 8.8
           - bond issues56,363.457,915.360,920.667,825.6 69,313.1
           - private banks11.610.89.99.4 9.2
           - other79.975.685.7- 1.7
           - foreign borrowings transferred to the public debt
             (Ordinance No.64/2007)
---- -
      Publicly guaranteed debt81.376.270.565.6 60.7
           - multilateral institutions40.037.531.629.0 24.0
           - portfolio investment---- -
           - other (trade and financial credits, etc.)41.238.738.936.7 36.7
      Private debt (non-publicly guaranteed)40,343.840,685.042,093.642,128.2 42,145.9
           - multilateral institutions2,193.22,191.32,235.22,456.4 2,520.5
           - portfolio investment4,006.94,142.95,037.45,256.4 5,039.3
           - credit lines---- -
           - other (trade and financial credits, etc.)34,143.634,350.934,821.034,415.4 34,586.1
      LT non-residents' deposits708.0753.7289.1746.9 716.6
      IMF borrowings---- -
      SDR allocations3,336.03,370.23,305.43,341.4 3,321.5
Short-term external debt42,669.344,820.348,325.243,820.5 44,755.7

The data are provisional and may be subject to periodic review

External debt service

Q2/2023Q3/2023Q4/2023Q1/2024May  2024
EUR million - cumulative data from the begining of the year
Long-term external debt service, of which:10,924.816,519.121,272.15,383.5 7,132.5
      - direct public debt2,348.74,030.45,024.51,348.3 3,263.1
      - publicly guaranteed debt12.718.925.56.0 11.3
      - private debt (non-publicly guaranteed)8,280.611,852.315,258.43,889.3 3,551.6
      - LT non-residents' deposits229.9532.0843.5105.1 238.0
      - IMF borrowings---- -
      - SDR allocations53.085.6120.234.8 68.4
Short-term external debt service29,598.245,040.166,989.315,799.1 26,811.5

The data are provisional and may be subject to periodic review